Friday, 8 June 2012


                                 “I MUST NOT ENDURE THE PAINS IN NIGERIA AND GO TO HELL”
                     I love Nigeria as a country, diverse in tribes, cultures and languages yet we are still together. Meaningful and melodious national anthem, lovely national colour, great weather and climatic condition in general. A GREAT PLACE TO BE (IF ALLOWED TO BE AS GOD WANTED IT).Our level of endurance is more than words can express. Less than what we are experiencing here in our fatherland happened in other countries and they almost annihilate themselves through civil wars and general unrest. Liberia, Rwanda, Sudan, Libya, Uganda (all in Africa) etc tells the story.
                      Boko Haram attack has become a familiar thing; kidnapping is now acceptable in some quarters as a means of making ends meet. Ritualists are not left behind and cannibalism too is now trending in some areas. Bribery and Corruption is seen as the norm, there is no single aspect of live in Nigeria that is free from negativity. Even religion has a fair share in the monstrosity called evil that permeates all areas of society.
                    Right from birth to the day the last breath is drawn, you struggle on a daily basis to be a success. Going to school is an ordeal, right from the elementary level to the tertiary level. Being brilliant and studious is not a guarantee of success. There is a popular saying that he who passes an exam is regarded as the brilliant one. Most tertiary institutions are operating the policy of “no money no good grades” the least person in the class may become the first to get a great job “no be who u sabi?” Nigeria, a country where the end justifies the means!!!
                   The house of God has been turn to a society gathering, the more u contribute the more u are recognized. It doesn’t matter whether God recognizes u in heaven as a child as long as the pastor/reverend/Bishop recognizes you. Being a worker in church is now seen as an evidence of been born again. Some people can go to church every day for ten years but cannot pay the school fee of an orphan for one term though they can afford to give a pastor part of their salary monthly. Mind you I am not saying it’s wrong to work in the house of God or give to His servant, but are you doing the right thing for the right purpose? Fraudulent activities and corruption can now be explained away as long as you pay the tithe. Hmmmmn God is watching in high definition (3HD).
                       Sexual immoralities are seen as the ‘in’ thing, if you are not having sex outside marriage, u are regarded as dull or not “tap’.  Nudity and pornography is acceptable to most people, easy access to the internet has become a tool for Nigerians both old and young to do perverse things, social networks is now an opportunity to cheat on partners (both emotionally and physically). The anonymity some social networks afford encourages perverse desires and fantasies to play out. 
                      But a question we need to ask ourselves now is that, after all the struggles, unfairness, losses, disappointments, setbacks and failures, would it not be a shamed to end up in hell?

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Its well with our soul

                                   IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL
         I love hymns so much, not because I was born in the Anglican Church or that my grandfather was a Reverend but because hymns are melodious, deep and inspiring. It gives u a kind of a preview to what it’s like in heaven. My best worship and praise songs are hymns, no wonder I have hymn books both in English and Yoruba. We sing these songs without knowing the story or inspiration behind the compositions.

         One of the most emotional and soul lifting hymn of all times is the hymn ALL WILL BE WELL, composed by Horatio Spafford (Oct 20 1820-Oct 16 1888). He was a prominent lawyer in Chicago; he composed this song after a great tragedy in which he lost four of his daughters. Can you imagine such a man still having a great hope and trust in God?

         Horatio spafford married Hannah spafford on sept 5 1861 in Chicago. The Spaffords began their tragic experiences with the death of their only son from scarlet fever at the age of four in 1870; they lost all of their investment in real estate to the great Chicago fire of 1871. Then the biggest trial! In 1873, Spafford decided that his family should go to England for a holiday; he couldn’t go with them due to some business engagements so he sent his wife and four daughters ahead with the plan to join them later.  11 year old Anna,
9yr old Margaret Lee, 5yr old Elizabeth, 2yr old Tanetta all perished in the tragedy.

        “On November 22, 1873, while crossing the Atlantic on the steamship Ville du Havre, their ship was struck by an iron sailing vessel and 226 people lost their lives including all four of spafford’s daughters. Hanna Spafford survived the tragedy” Wikipedia     
        Horatio wrote the song on his way to England to meet the wife after receiving a telegram from her. “Survived alone”. The couple later gave birth to three more children.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot thou has thought me to say
Its well it is well, with my soul.

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though satan buffet,
Though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my
Helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious
My sin not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the lord, praise the lord, o
My soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ
Hence to live
If Jordan above me shall roll
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life,
Thou wilt whisper thy peace to my soul.

But Lord ‘tis for thee, for thy
Coming we wait
The sky not the grave, is our goal
Oh trump of the angel! Oh, voice
Of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul

And Lord, haste the day when my
Faith shall be sight,
 The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it’s well with my soul.

                 So people of God, even in this dark time in our country and some individual lives, let’s have faith in God that all is well. What other choice do we have anyway. May God almighty give us the strenght and enablement to trust in Him at all times. Shalom.